hello, there. I’m Michelle.
I’m a journalist turned copywriter, so really, at the heart of it all, I’m a storyteller. When I left the newsroom for a creative agency, I discovered writing 10,000-word feature stories and 7-word ads actually have a lot in common.
As a copywriter, I help brands tell their story with clear, consistent messaging and ownable personality. My work spans the creative concept spectrum, from brand and campaign development to implementation: websites, videos, digital marketing, social media ads, blogs, email campaigns, and on and on. I’m energized by projects that are challenging and unexpected.
I love this work because it allows me to do what I do best: ask questions and tell stories.
I have lived in Paris and traveled to 22 countries, but my greatest adventure so far has been raising my daughters.
Care to chat? Let's do it.
michellesullivanhopkins [at] gmail [dot] com